NFMC Founders' Day
Recognize our NFMC Founders, Leaders, and History
This January NFMC clubs across the country will honor and recognize their local, state and national NFMC leaders, history, and founders. Each club celebrates in their own unique way. Some clubs plan a formal Founders' Day Program, like the one suggested here, while others may simply send an email of appreciation to their local club leaders. Take a moment this January to honor those who paved the way before us, and also to give gratitude to our current members and leaders for continuing to honor our NFMC goals and programs.
Founders' Day Donations
The purpose of Founders' Day is to honor the founders of the local club, the state federation and NFMC. Every federated Music Club member is asked to contribute $1.00 to honor the founders and those contributions help provide funds for the Young Artist Competitions. The Founders Day Honor Roll, is published in the NFMC Music Clubs Magazine, and contains a listing of clubs that have attained 100% of their members contributing. If your club is interested in donating, contact Naomi Sanchez.

California Federation of Music Clubs
The California Federation of Music Clubs became affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs in 1923, and currently has over 133 Junior Music Clubs from 14 different festival areas across our state. With support from the National and State levels, local clubs are able to promote and provide musical opportunities for musicians of all ages and abilities within their communities. Over 1500 students participated in our annual festival last year.
California Federation of Music Clubs
Past Presidents
Madge Kelly
Stillman Kelly
Mary Ann Paullin
Bill Paullin
CFMC Current President
Naomi Sanchez
CFMC Historical Notes
Paul R. Spitzzeri, wrote an article for the The Homestead Blog Striking a Chord: “Official Bulletin, California Federation of Music Clubs,” December 1920. This fascinating article contains of wealth of information. It showcases the beginnings of CFMC and the growth of our organization. Clubs raised money for prizes to send to local and state young artist winners. They were dedicated to cultivating the arts and talented students. This article perfectly describes the organiztions passion for musical arts in 1920, and much of their passion is still shared today.
The March 5, 1921 edition of Pacific Coast Musical Review, details an official report from the California Federation of Music Clubs and their convention in Los Angeles.
National Federation of Music Clubs History
NFMC Important Events

Rose Fay Thomas