Junior Club Membership
Applications must be postmarked by October 1st to avoid a $10 late fee.
Applications will not be accepted after November 1st without approval, and extra fees may apply.
The Junior Club membership is for Music Teachers who want their students to participate in a local NFMC Festival Program. CFMC is a grassroots organization, and local members work together to organize and run their festival and club events. Since federation membership starts at the local level, you will need to connect with your local festival chair. The CFMC membership secretary, Madeline Miller, can assist you with this. In CFMC, your teaching studio is known as a Junior Club, with you as the teacher, and your students are referred to as Juniors, or Junior Club members.
Are you new to CFMC, and want to find a festival area near you?
Contact Madeline Miller, the CFMC Membership Secretary, she will connect you with an existing festival area or district near you, and assist you with the membership process.
Have you been in contact with your local festival chair about membership?
If you have already been in touch with your local chair, print out the membership application below, and follow the application instructions. Contact your area chair or Madeline Miller if you need assistance.
Membership for you and all of your students to both CFMC and NFMC
Collaborate and meet other CFMC teachers in your community
Special opportunities to participate in designated NFMC competitions for members only
Invitation to NFMC Conventions and Conferences
Participate and learn about the different NFMC programs and how you can help advocate for American composers and artists.
Contribute to and organize Service through music events in your local area
An opportunity to be recognized for your contributions through local, state, and national NFMC awards programs
One Subscription to Junior Keynotes Magazine
One Subscription to Music Club Magazine
One Teacher and up to 16 students can register in the annual NFMC Junior Muisc Festival (additional students are $1.25 each)
Included in your CFMC Junior Club membership is the ability to register your students for the NFMC Festival.
2025-2026 CFMC Junior Club Membership Applications Coming Soon
CFMC Application Instructions
Print out the CMFC Membership Application and fill out your contact information
Name your Junior Club. Feel free to get creative. Your club name is not permanent and can be changed from year to year.
Estimate how many of your students you plan on preparing and entering in the NFMC festival program. If you have 16 or less, you will just pay the standard Junior Club fee, but if you have more than 16, you will need to pay an additional $1.25 for each student over 16.
Select your Festival Area, if you are unsure of your festival area, contact your local area chair or Madeline Miller
Make a check out for the correct amount payable to California Federation of Music Clubs (CFMC), and mail both your check and the application to Madeline Miller (Address located at the bottom of application)
Make sure your payment and application is postmarked before October 1st to avoid a $10 late fee. Applications will not be accepted after November 1st.