Join us in November to celebrate American Music and American Composers

 Ways you can plan to celebrate American Music Month

1. Learn a new piece by an American Composer

2. Organize a recital of American Music with friends

3. Read about an American Composer or Musician

Read about Ada Holding Miller who inspired the Parade of American Music

Interesting Facts

* 1951-1955 - Mrs. Ada Holding Miller, from Providence, Rhode Island was elected seventeenth President 

*While she was president, the Senior and Junior magazines separated, the latter name Junior Keynotes, 

*During her term, a New Junior Handbook and second Master Yearbook were printed. 

*Mrs. Miller established the NFMC American Music division, and served as Chairman, 1955-1959.  Its sole purpose was to create a time for emphasis on all kinds of American Music.

*A lasting accomplishment was having the Annual Parade of American Music inaugurated, and the month of February was chosen.

***By action of the NFMC Board of Directors in August 1998, American Music Month was changed to the month of November beginning in 1999, and it has been celebrated this month ever since.

Texas Names Rhode Islander "Woman Of Year”

A Rhode Island woman has received the nod from the State Fair of Texas in the selection of the 1956 Woman, of the Year.

Mrs. Ada Holding Miller of Providence has been selected for the title in recognition of her work, in making the United States more aware of its musical heritage, according to R. L. Thorton,

mayor of Dallas and fair president. 

A musician herself, Mrs. Miller traveled throughout the country during World War II collecting more than two and a half million musical instruments to be distributed to hospitals and the

armed services. She is responsible for a radio program therapy which uses music as for the physically and mentally ill. She has assisted with auditions to help young artists achieve recognition and her special project, “Parade of American Music," has won national honor for its contribution to American musical awareness. Mrs. Miller, the wife of Dr. Albert H. Miller, is a graduate of R. I. College of Education and has received honorary

degrees from Brown University and Bates College. She is a former president of the National Federation of Music Clubs.