California Federation of Music Clubs
Affiliated with the National Federation of Music Clubs
Membership is all about joining music clubs
Contact Madeline Miller to help connect you with a Senior Club, or to discuss Junior Club membership.
Which music club membership is right for you?
CFMC is a service organization and all festivals and events are organized by member volunteers.
Junior Club Membership
This membership is for a music teacher that would like to have their students participate in a local festival. All local festivals are organized and run by the participating teachers.
JUNIOR CLUB MEMBERSHIP allows a teacher and their students the opportunity to participate in a local NFMC Junior Music Festivals. Federation Festivals offer unique opportunities for students of all ages and abilities. A wide range of musical instruments are represented in the Festival Bulletin. Festival events include solos, concerti, duets, trios, quartets, duos, vocal groups, string ensembles, orchestras, theory, sight-playing and more. Required selections are chosen from the current Festivals Bulletin compiled by the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC). This publication can be ordered from the NFMC office or at Festivals are non-competitive events where students perform and can choose to earn points based on their rating. Federation Cup points accumulate toward trophies of increasing size. If you are a music teacher contact Madeline Miller for more membership information.
Senior Club Membership
This membership is for a group of music enthusiasts, educators, or performers who want to promote and support NFMC programs within their community.
SENIOR CLUBS have been a long-standing tradition in the National Federation of Music Clubs and play a crucial role within the organization. Today, Senior Clubs are formed by not only music enthusiasts, they are formed by church choirs, music teachers, and artists all over the country. NFMC Senior Clubs are non-profit service organizations dedicated to promoting American Music, American Composers, and strengthening quality music education by supporting “high standards of musical creativity and performance.” If your group is interested in forming an NFMC Senior Club, contact Madeline Miller.
Individual Membership
This membership is for an individual who wants to enter a CFMC or NFMC sponsored award.
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP allows an individual the opportunity to participate in one of the many awards and competitions offered by the National Federation of Music Clubs. To participate in the NFMC Junior Music Festivals, a student must study with a teacher that is a current CFMC member. Students cannot participate in festivals as an individual member. If you have questions about an individual membership, contact Madeline Miller.